Super Seniors (over 55) Rankings


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Archive Rankings

Rankings for Super Seniors (23-24)

Total Entries: 121
Rank Name Total Pts event 1event 2event 3event 4event 5championship
21 Entries23 Entries21 Entries16 Entries18 Entries22 Entries
1 john mills 96 15 15 28 28 10
2 Brian Rees 93 28 28 3 28 6
3 David B Brown 70 10 6 21 6 21 6
4 Dylan Hughes 67 21 15 10 6 15
5 john breeze 62 10 6 10 21 15
6 Donald Newcombe 61 6 21 3 10 15 6
7 David Nicholas Jones 57 6 10 10 15 10 6
8 David Hooper 51 6 3 15 6 21
9 Keith Thomas 51 15 3 10 10 10 3
10 Clive Marsh 46 3 6 15 6 6 10
11 Darren Gill 42 6 3 10 10 10 3
12 Tony Williams 38 6 10 6 6 10
13 Jeff Denscombe 34 10 6 6 6 6
14 Jonathan Perring 33 3 6 6 6 6 6
15 Ronnie Allen 31 10 6 3 6 3 3
16 Darren Morgan 28 0 28
17 David Allen 27 6 15 6
18 Jonathan Evans 22 3 10 6 3
19 David Richards 21 3 6 6 6
20 Neil Jones 20 10 10
21 Nick Davies 18 3 3 6 6
22 Linden Cox 16 3 10 3
23 Mark OLoughlin 15 6 3 6 0
24 Albert Barrett 12 3 6 3
25 Iwan Griffiths 9 3 6
26 Tony Jones 9 3 6
27 Gary Morris 6 6
28 Richard Pincott 6 6
29 Gerald Brain 6 6
Dean Thomas 6 6
31 Andrew Orchard 0 0

Rankings for Super Seniors (22-23)

Total Entries: 73
Rank Name Total Pts event 1event 2event 3event 4championship
12 Entries14 Entries17 Entries16 Entries14 Entries
1 David B Brown 85 15 15 6 21 28
2 Donald Newcombe 83 15 28 15 10 15
3 john mills 69 21 6 21 15 6
4 Brian Rees 64 28 15 21
5 Keith Thomas 53 10 21 6 6 10
6 David Hooper 53 10 15 28
7 Ronnie Allen 43 6 15 10 6 6
8 Tony Williams 38 10 3 10 15
9 Darren Gill 38 6 6 10 6 10
10 Nick Davies 34 6 6 10 6 6
11 Clive Marsh 34 6 10 6 6 6
12 Jeff Denscombe 34 10 6 6 6 6
13 Roy Gannon 34 28 6
14 David Richards 32 10 6 10 6
15 Linden Cox 26 6 10 10
16 Mark OLoughlin 26 10 6 10
17 Paul Taylor 16 10 6
18 Gerald Brain 10 10
19 Albert Barrett 6 6
20 david hill 6 6
21 Richard Pincott 6 6

Rankings for Over 55 (21-22)

Total Entries: 45
Rank Name Total Pts event 1event 2event 3event 4
12 Entries12 Entries11 Entries10 Entries
1 john mills 150 45 15 45 45
2 Darren Gill 100 21 36 15 28
3 Keith Thomas 100 36 15 28 21
4 Paul Taylor 92 28 21 28 15
5 Ronnie Allen 85 28 15 21 21
6 Tony Jones 78 15 21 21 21
7 Nick Davies 72 21 21 15 15
8 Jeff Denscombe 70 21 21 28
9 Richard Pincott 64 28 36
10 Richard Wykes 60 45 15
11 Donald Newcombe 51 0 15 36
12 Dean Thomas 43 15 28
13 David Richards 42 21 21
14 Tony Williams 21 21
15 David Hooper 15 15
16 Andrew Isitt 0 0




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